Reese Jaclyn Goslee

Reese Jaclyn Goslee
Blue Eyed Beauty

Thursday, June 5, 2008


My little lady, I miss you so much; I can't stand it. Has this really happened to us? I still can't believe it. This is the worst nightmare that anyone could possibly have. I don't even know what to say...this is such a horrible time in our lives. Just know, we will never, ever, ever forget you smalls. Mommy & I got tattoos for you and Maddy helped us make bracelets for you. We are also getting magnets with your beautiful face on them. Anything to keep your memory alive. It is like our lives came to a screeching halt but the rest of the world is in fast forward as usual. My patience is worst than ever (and we all know i don't have any to begin with). It is tough to get out of bed in the morning and my motivation is lacking big time. All because you were stolen from us....ripped from our lives for no reason whatsoever. I don't think I have been to church since you passed away. It's not that I have no faith anymore but I am just so pissed off. If anyone could explain to me why this happened to our family that would be good. I feel we are a great family Reese and this makes no sense whatsoever. I am glad that your Mom made this blog as it allows all of us to get some things off our chest. Maddy & Noah miss you so much baby and we go see you at the cemetary ALOT. Mommy & me know we want to have another baby. Nobody will ever replace you and you know that...I think it will help make us feel better. Whether it's a boy or girl, there is no doubt in my mind that the middle name will be "Reese"...named after you beautiful. I just wanted to write to get some things off my chest and I will definitely be writing again. I love you so much precious and you are always in my thoughts and in my heart. Keep smiling!!! Love, Daddy

1 comment:

Bonded for life said...

My heart breaks for you and your family. We lost our Daughter Olivia Hope in Jan of this year, and still struggle every day.

*hugs* to you and your family!